Sunday, February 14, 2010

Princess On Ice!

(I finally got around to blogging again! So if you care to know, there are 3 other posts below this)
This had to be the highlight of our trip! Jake's sister Holli and I decided to take our little princesses to Disney Princess On Ice! We had such a fabulous time! This also kickstarted Sadie and Samantha's princess obsession! They wake up begging to wear their princess dress ups and would sleep in them if we let them!! There are a ton of pictures of this fun event, but they were all too cute I could not decide!

Snow White a.k.a Samantha

Sleeping Beauty a.k.a Sadie

Princess Hailey, Sadie and Samantha

They were glued once it started! It was so much fun watching them enjoy it!

Pure Delight!

I am thrilled to have caught the Ooohh face!


Holli and Billy said...

That was SO MUCH FUN! I love that the girls are so into Princesses! Adorable!!

Butterfield Family said...

I love all the posts! It looks like you had a very fun fall! I hope the last month of your pregnancy is going okay. Call me sometime if you get a chance!

Kristen said...

I am still jealous! They have a Disney on Ice coming in March and I want to take Eme as a reward for potty training but I think mainly for me! Don't tell Jer! Sorry we only got the 2 minute conversation today! Hopefully we can talk soon! Keep the posts coming!

Trieste said...

Your girls are so dang cute Daisie!!! I love the pics! And so exciting that you're having another girl...we're due about the same time. I think you're a week ahead of me...but I'm having a boy this time. I hope all is going well for you!

Daryl and Ashley said...

I bawled the first time I took Kamri... just seeing the pure joy and excitment on her face! Kamri would also sleep in her princess dress ups if I let her! I can't believe you are almost done with your pregancy! Can't wait to see pictures!